Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Collaborative sketching

Sketching, and white-boarding, are great techniques for creating entirely new concepts. But brainstorming always seems to need people in the room.

Ok, so we have LiveMeeting, but it usually involves a tag team approach (i add content, then you do, then i do, then you do, etc etc). If everyone in the live meeting, in different places in the world, could add content to the same document (and by document this could be excel, word, or a painting, or a sketch. Suddenly conceptualizing becomes a team effort. There is no concept of individual control, everyone can contribute.

I think about personally how i would use this in my world. A great example is having my writing reviewed by an editor. We can work together on the same app to edit at the same time, speeding up our work. Or I am brainstorm a new product idea with a client, the client can now get involved in adding his own input to the sketch.

In a touchscreen world that users can interact with using pencils and paintbrushes, suddenly talent can be shared and vision expressed more intuitively. Precision white-boarding allows all users to connect their brain to the task at hand, without technology enforcing a new way of doing a basic task - collaborative sketching.

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